Tuesday 21 January 2014

Aishiteru Muhammad Daily Challenge; DAY 1: Smile and Solat Dhuha!


So, the time has come... In conjunction with the month of birth of our beloved Prophet, Muhammad S.A.W, IYA Manipal presents to you.... Aishiteru Muhammad!!

One of the programs planned special just for you, is the Daily Challenge!! As a way to manifest our love to him, we try to follow him in as many things we are able to. And let's start it in this season. Simple challenges for you. Are you up to the challenge? 

[Niatkan semata-mata kerana-Nya, moga mendapat redha-Nya..]

"Jangan kita amalkan sunnah secara bermusim, tetapi semoga bermula musim ini kita mampu istiqamah mengamalkan sunnah." 

22 Januari 2014

Daily Challenge Aishiteru Muhammad, Day 1:

Senyum kepada sahabat anda dan solat dhuha.

Dari Abu Dzar ra, dia berkata, "Rasulullah SAW bersabda, Senyummu di hadapan saudaramu (sesama muslim) adalah (bernilai) sedekah bagimu." (HR. Tirmidzi dan Ibnu Hibban)

Daripada Abu Hurairah, sabda Rasulullah SAW, "Telah berpesan kepadaku temanku (Rasulullah saw) tiga macam pesanan: Puasa 3 hari setiap bulan, sembahyang dhuha 2 rakaat dan sembahyang witir sebelum tidur
(Riwayat Bukhari, Muslim dan Thabarani)

May Allah ease, May Alah bless
Let's jom! Let's jom!

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